
Config = {}

Config.PedModel = "s_m_y_garbage"
Config.PedLoc = vector4(-321.99, -1545.75, 31.02, 276.92)
Config.Truck = "trash" -- The name of the garbage truck vehicle you wish to use!
Config.TruckSpawn = vector4(-326.37, -1524.49, 27.54, 267.03)
Config.ItemChance = 40
Config.PricePerBag = 50
Config.FuelScript = "LegacyFuel"

Config.Blip = {
    Sprite = 318, -- Icon
    Scale = 1.0, -- Size
    Color = 1, -- Color Of the Blip
    Text = "Sanitation" -- Text in blip

Config.ItemRarity = {
    ["Legendary"] = 30,
    ["Medium"] = 60,

Config.Items = {
    ["Legendary"] = {
    ["Medium"] = {
    ["Normal"] = {

Config.Locations = {
    [1] = {
        name = "nicola",
        coords = {
            {door = vector4(1250.78, -515.55, 69.35, 248.54), start = vector4(1258.89, -517.86, 69.09, 68.93)},
            {door = vector4(1241.32, -566.31, 69.66, 316.96), start = vector4(1253.51, -565.48, 69.08, 73.85)},
            {door = vector4(1303.12, -527.35, 71.46, 162.1), start = vector4(1298.74, -540.3, 70.53, 338.99)}

Last updated