Config = {}
Config.Jobs = {"treasurehunters"} -- change to false if you want everyone to be able to dig
Config.ShovelItem = "hoe"
Config.ClueItem = "legalpaper"
Config.TreasureChance = 80
Config.NumOfClues = 3 -- This is the number of times players will have to find clues on an avg to find the treasure location
Config.CanDigInTowns = false
Config.RandomTrashItems = {
[1] = {
itemName = "herptile",
itemAmt = math.random(2, 3),
itemLabel = "Herptile"
[2] = {
itemName = "heroin",
itemAmt = math.random(2, 3),
itemLabel = "Heroin"
[3] = {
itemName = "honey",
itemAmt = math.random(3, 5),
itemLabel = "Honey"
Config.ClueCoords = {
vector4(956.47, 133.98, 116.11, 186.6),
vector4(2032.55, 546.51, 144.66, 359.99),
vector4(1318.05, 1316.65, 175.31, 177.85)
Config.Treasures = {
[1] = {
treasureCoords = vector4(828.67, 1921.03, 259.33, 327.02),
rewardCash = 1200,
rewardItems = {
itemLabel = "Cocoa Seeds",
itemName = "cocoaseeds",
itemAmt = 5
itemLabel = "Coal",
itemName = "coal",
itemAmt = 3
Config.TownLocations = {
coords = vector3(-297.48, 791.1, 118.33), -- Valentine
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(2930.95, 1348.91, 44.1), -- Annesburg
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(2632.52, -1312.31, 51.42), -- Saint Denis
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(1346.14, -1312.5, 76.53), -- Rhodes
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(-1801.09, -374.86, 161.15), -- Strawberry
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(-801.77, -1336.43, 43.54), -- Blackwater
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(-3659.38, -2608.91, -14.08), -- Armadillo
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
coords = vector3(-5498.97, -2950.61, -1.62), -- Tumbleweed
townRange = 150 -- Range where the town will be considered
Last updated